Math and science::Analysis::Tao, measure::01. Jordan measure
Proof outline
An elementary cover of a set can be broken into two disjoint
elementary sets, and which union to . This can be done
by taking the intersection and difference of with some other elementary
set . will be a cover for and a
cover for . As and are disjoint, we have
. and will have an
elementary measure larger than the infimum representing
and respectively,
however, they will have a summed measure smaller than that of which
can be made arbitrarily close to .
In this formulation, the Carathéodory type property can be thought of as
being one answer to the question: under what conditions do we have finite
additivity of outer Jordan measure (not mere sub-additivity)?
This question is especially pertinent when considering the fact that Jordan outer measure, while additive for Jordan measurable sets, is not additive in general: the outer measure of the union of the bullets and the bullet-riddled square is 1 (as union is ), yet the outer measure of each set individually is also 1.
The answer is that if a set is split by an elementary set into and , then any cover of can be split (without repeat) and cover and . This makes . The reverse inequlity is simply the characteristic of sub-additivity, which is indeed possessed by outer measure.
For any real there exists an elementary set
covering with elementary measure .
can be broken into two disjoint elementary sets
and for some elementary set , and we will have . This means that . It is true (can be checked with some set algebra) that is a
cover for and a cover for .
Consequently, and
. Substituting this back into the previous
inequality we see that:
was arbitrary so we can say:
That proves the harder of the two inequalities needed! Paired with the sub-additivity of outer Jordan measure, we have equality: